of the Orphan Ministry
at the LBS Mwika (HUYAMWI)
paper 9: Review of our
Released 1.6.06 Ð Author: Rev. Dr. Martin Burkhardt
1. We are only choosing students from our pilot-parishes. (exception some few from Mwika)
2. We are only starting a program, if a orphan is below eighteen years, however we will finish an already started measure even if an orphan has already passed the age of eighteen.
3. We will only support one child of a family.
4. We are only choosing students, who have participated as trainees in our congregation or in our projects or in some other part of our program.
5. Long-term scholarship (Mainly private Secondary School) is provided only if sponsors are available.
6. Calculation must also include pocket money, equipment, books, exchange rate flow and inflation.
7. If not sponsored by an external sponsor, money must be saved until the end of the measure in the actual budget.
8. We must maintain person contact to our students.
9. Principally we prefer short term measures, instead of long term engagement.
10. We must deal only with a few schools in order to reduce the needed administration.
11. Students will be interviewed first before entering our scholarship program. The way of education must be in conformity with their ability and personal wishes.
12. If students fail because of insufficient results or misbehaviour they are withdrawn from the program.
13. We are only using the program in rare cases for staff-relatives or students of LBS Mwika and their relatives, in order to avoid the picture, that we are feeding ourselves.
14. We must use these guidelines strictly, otherwise we will be overcrowded with emergencies. We will only provide scholarship according to our planned budget.
We have almost 50 participants in different programs (see attached print out).
All larger scholarships (more than one year, private Secondary) are sponsored either by larger organizations, e. g. AKO, Heikendorf or private persons.
The first three students will finish form 4 at the end of 2007. So far the outcome is not yet visible. However the results from many students are only medium.
Therefore the outcome is not yet visible.
We have only students in form 1 and 2. Therefore the outcome is not yet visible.
Almost 10 students have past the VETA blacksmith III exam, one student (Bahati Mchau) blacksmith II. We have the message that 2-3 of them are already engaged to do work at some local garages. Bahati Mchau will start employment in Moshi today.
With Sara Mtoi and her VETA training course we had a bad start. However we hope that the three girls learning at the Intel training centre will better take off.
We needed to remove the following persons from our program:
Winfrieda Minja, Emmanuel Towo. Because of ethic issues.
Sara Mtoi did not take their examinations because of fear.
This shows that we need to continue to put a lot of efforts in the election process and to make follow-ups.
If want to enlarge our program we need to look for new sponsors and we need to add staff to lock after our students. However it will be more and more difficult to get sponsors especially for private Secondary Schools
We will continue to have a mixture (needed to gain experience), but we will put more emphasis on vocational training and governmental secondary schools.
Our congregation are engaged themselves in vocational training and governmental secondary schools. It may possible to pass more scholarship of this type directly to the congregation in order to reduce our administration work.
It may be possible to deal directly with some schools and to elect students directly from the schools (especially governmental secondary schools). This will also reduce our work.