of the Orphan Ministry
at the LBS Mwika (HUYAMWI)
paper 11: Evaluation 2005/2006
Released 28.6.06 Author: Rev. Dr. Martin Burkhardt
The evaluation team visited all pilot parishes (11) using a prepared interview guideline with the following methods:
1. Interviews with the leading pastors and committee members,
2. Visual checking of the counter book, financial records and minutes
3. Group discussions with orphans and guardians
4. Questionnaires filled out by orphans and guardians in some parishes
The data was standardised by a form filled out by each evaluator containing the following data types
1. Quantitative question, giving the possibility to mark each congregation. This data was used to produce the chart.
2. Qualitative question, giving the possibility to write short comments and explanations.
In areas where the congregation received already training the performance is much better than in areas where education is missing: ( counter book 2,27; work of the committee 2,23 vs. minutes 2,91, financial records 3,0).
The effect of the work of HuYaMwi is evident in the area of the counter book (see also paper 10!!) and in the area of the work of the committee.
-We need more training in writing minutes and financial records.
The situation of the orphans is still tending to be poor ( average 3,14). Only in Shokony and Kisamo, whose general performance is rated very good (1,78 and 2,11), the situation of orphans is considered to be good (2). In Msae and Kirmeni it is considered to be poor (4).
The situation of the orphan is not poor or bad at all. This means that we have reached something. However me must do more efforts to change the situation of the orphans to be good
The performance of help is tending to be good (2,86) and even the awareness of this help is even better (2,64)
This means the congregations are thinking that there are at least average in there orphans program and that their communities are aware of this program.
For HuYaMwi means that the program in the pilot parishes was at least successful to install an average rated program in each congregation and to implement average public awareness. However we must work to improve our programs to be rated as good
The work of HuYaMwi is rated much better than the work of the own congregation (2,88 vs. 2,34). This is also true for the single marks in performance (2,86 vs. 2,41) and awareness ( 2,64 vs. 2,36)
This means that the congregations estimate their own work lower than the work of HuYaMwi and that HuYaMwi is still considered to be the master or teacher.
The congregations are even more aware of the ministry of HuYaMwi than of their own ministry. This means the congreation are not aware to have a local ministry themselves, but to have only a HuYaMwi ministry.
The chart can be used to identify area of weakness in every single congregation, however the result may not be over estimated, as the method of data collection may have failed to bring proper result in a single congregation.
For example
Conterbook rated with 4 |
Lole, Uwo (they have not yet reported data) |
Minutes rated > 2 |
Shokony, Msae, Rau, Kondiki, Kiruweni, Lole, Uuwo |
Financial Records rated with 4 |
Msae, Rau, Kondiki, Kiruweni, Lole, Uwo |
Performance of Help > 2 |
Himo, Shokony, Maringa, Kirimeni, Rau, Kiruweni, Lole, Uwo |
Awareness of HuYaMwi rated with 4 |
Kiruweni |
In the following sections I will give some examples from the interviews and the comments of the evaluator, showing the statement and the given marks to illustrate the seen situation behind the marks::
(1) It is used well, the congregation added some features, like school and already provided help
(2) The counter book helps the committee to tell who is getting help, when ever help is available.
(3) Those who left for other parishes are still in the counter book, but are not marked with 1 ( group marker for those
(4) Many informations on registered orphans is missing
(4) Due to the poor counter book recording there is no evidence or indicator that the number of orphans is increasing or not
Like mentioned before (see paper 10) the counter book is the analytical eye of the committee. If kept properly help can be distributed quickly and effectively. If data is missing it is difficult to make decisions.
(1) The filling of the committee minutes is well organized, as well as the plan of the committee.
(2) The committee has a file and the recorder is good taking minutes
(2) Handwritten minutes are kept in a file and are being digitalized little by little. Despite the satisfying impression, the accurance in file keeping could still be improved
(2-4) The evaluator was told that there are
minutes, but they werent shown to him proper assessment is difficult- reported from three congregations.
(3) Many informal meetings have no minutes, but the decisions are implemented
(4) The minutes are only showing some themes and points of discussion without giving the full content of the meeting. No signature of chairperson and secretary
(4) Since the committee had no meetings, it seems that the pastor in charge last year was more the actor than the committee. So there are no minutes ,rather letters from HuYaMwi or guidelines
(5) The general file keeping in the parish office seems to lack order to such a degree, that minutes of the meetings, if there are any, cant be discovered easily and thus are rather useless.
The minutes are the mirror of the work of the committee. Missing or insufficient minutes indicate a deeper problem: lacking cooperation or lacking organisation.
(1)Financial records are well kept and all receipts are attached
(2) All transactions are record with no
problem. No misuse of money anyhow two times
(2) The one who keep records is not a member of the committee
(4) There was no evidence on how they kept records
(4) The budget which is given to the parish
by HuYaMwi was not separated from the general budget of the parish, because
there was no separate bank account - two times
(4) There is no clear book keeping, only some receipts were available
Good record keeping is possible, even in Tanzania!!!
If the financial records are rated with four, HuYaMwi is in a very dangerous position as it can not longer guarantee for the proper use of funds.
In these cases we must make a follow up to secure proper book keeping.
We must introduce the standard for a separate bank account, now also requested by the East Kilimanjaro District (since April 2005) and the diaconical policy of the ELCT ND (since March 2006)
(1) The members have shown great commitment and capability- The committee seems to have done its best and should not be hold responsible for the few remaining deficits. Theses should rather be attributed to the difficult working conditions.
(1-2) Awareness of the non-material, spiritual and psychological needs of orphans are far above average. The activities heavily emphasize the self-responsibilities of the target group. Home visit are conducted regularly. Committee seems to be capable and motivated.
(2) They are committed to help orphans despite of the other works they have. They are motivated to do more.
(2) The committee is doing a good job. It knows its responsibilities
(2) There is a good cooperation between pastor, committee and orphans. However the work will be more prosperous with more cooperation with HuYaMwi.
(2-3) Committee seems to be good at collecting data and providing education. The members are aware of the non-material, spiritual needs of the orphans. According to the views of the target groups there might be some problems in conducting regular home visits and balancing the distribution of material goods.
(3) three official meetings a year
(3) Home visits are conducted but not very often
(3) Committee seems to need some more motivation
(3) Because the declared they had no meetings their work was not much clear. They need to organize to work as a team rather than one person or pastor tell them what to do
The following signs of a good work of the committee are mentioned: Knowledge in the area of non material help, regular home visits, to know their responsibilities as a committee. Good cooperation between pastor, committee and orphans.
The main obstacle is not to work as a team and to be too much dependent on the decision of the pastor.
Motivation can be come a problem as all members are working on a volunteer base.
(2) Orphans like other youth do not want self reliance for better life.
(2-4) Needs are education, food, medication
and shelter mentioned by many congregations and also by additional filled
out questionnaires
(3) The major need is in education, special
secondary education and vocational training mentioned by two congregations
(3) The number of needs is still bigger
than the available funds also mentioned in the questionnaires.
(3) The guardians have not enough financial
resources to help the orphans mentioned in the questionnaires.
(3) The orphans said, that some guardians are cruel to orphans
(3-4) The number of orphans is increasing,
but not very fast. The situation seems to be rather average two
(4) Some orphans lack basic needs and are neglected by their relatives. Moreover, their number is increasing fast
(4) Food, grief, lack of childcare, loneliness
The main focus is still on material help and in this perspective the material help is not yet sufficient, especially in providing education.
The main source of these limits is the limited financial resources of the guardians, however also the guardians may be cruel or may neglect orphans.
It is interesting, that the financial needs are rated from 2-4, the other psychosocial needs are rated mainly with 4. The missing psychosocial support is causing a worse situation than the luck of financial funds.
The speed of increase is estimated from fast to not very fast, see also notes in paper 10.
(1-2) The mentioned activities of the committee all intend to increase the targets capability of self support.
(2-4) help mentioned: school fees, clothes
food, stationeries, uniforms mentioned
by several congregations
(3) The congregation has just joint HuYaMwi in 2005, therefore it has yet another year to be in full swing
(3) A variety of activities were mentioned, especially those concerning data collection and providing education. Some orphans said they had not been visited at home.
(3) The number of orphans is bigger than the funds to support them, but the committee tried to help following the priority of needs.
(3) The congregation is trying its best to help the orphans, but it is not satisfied yet
(4) Mentioned regular home visits, complains of equality of distributed help
Activities to build self-reliance (for example SIP) is rated highly
There is a luck of funds, which force to prioritize the help
Still the congregations are not yet satisfied which the performed work (see also notes in quantitative evaluation)
Problem is still the equal distribution of funds.
(1) All participants who filled out the questionnaires gave the name of the chairperson and nearly the correct number of orphans.
(2) People get awareness and they are very much interested
(2) The congregation knows its orphans and
their needs two times
(3) Some were able to quote the total number of orphans and the chairman, however the budget was not present.
(3) There is awareness what the congregation is doing to the orphans and the number of the orphans but the majority dont know the name of the chairperson.
In almost three congregations this item could not be evaluated properly due to luck of information to prepare the assesment.
Generally the work of awareness raising
was successfully
Some important details, how to get help
for example the name of the chairperson must be present more in the public.
The annual orphan- budget must be
published to all Christians in the congregation in order to avoid the
impression of inequality
(1) The pastor and the committee thanks HuYaMwi for advice, support and guidelines and through HuYaMwi they are doing a service systematically
(2) The parish liked the tactics of HuYaMwi: Education and pracitice
(2) HuYaMwi has done much to help the congregation. They taught, that it is possible to help the orphans
(2) The work of HuYaMwi helps to educate the community and strengthen the orphans abilities of self support and self responsibility. However the provided budget isnt sufficient to meet the material needs. The conditions of getting support out of the building fund are somehow strict.
(2-3) HuYaMwi has a great deal to increase the awareness. However the funds provided are not sufficient to meet the needs of the target group.
(3) Benefit of HuYaMwi activities is perceived. Beside the general view, there are some critics: Quantity of aid doesnt cover the needs and conditions of getting assistance are some how strict. Since HuYaMwis knowledge of the real situation of orphans in the parish is little compared with the knowledge of the committee, the committee should be given more independence
The benefits from HuYaMwi mentioned: advice, support, guidelines, education, practice, to learn how to service systematically, to help to educate the community and to strengthen the orphans ability of self support and responsibilities. So far the main intention was HuYaMwi of education was reached successfully.
The shortcomings are: Not enough funds, too strict guidelines, to enough independence for the parish committee. It was never HuYaMwis intention or possibility to care for all orphans. The other two critics must be considered carefully.
(1) At least everyone who attended the meeting knows about HuYaMwi and the work it performs to support orphans
(2) Meaning, concepts and activities of
HuYaMwi are quite well known two times
(2) Meaning of HuYamMwi is known as are its general structure, main activities and strategy.
(3) The congregants expect a lot from HuYaMwi
(3) Not even one participant was able to specify the benefit of the parish provided by the participation in the HuYaMwi projects.
(4) The meaning of HuYaMwi was not present HuYaMwi was mainly seen as an organization looking for sponsors
In some congregations wee need to explain more about HuYaMwi and its goals.
(1) The work of HuYaMwi in cooperation with the congregation is good and needs to be encouraged.
(1-2) Works seems
to be very successful within its financial limits
(2) HuYaMwi was really been appreciated by the congregation. Everyone knows it. Now that HuYaMwi may leave the congregation (after four years), the committee is kindly asking to extend the time.
(2) There is a good work being done. Given an other year, they will be able to help these children more.
(2) In the opinion of the evaluator, the committee members have done their best and have succeeded according to their working conditions. However, two main structural problems of the orphans ministry have to be mentioned:
- Lack of funds has led to an impression of inequality caused by HuYaMwi related activities, which was expressed by the committee members and by the participants of the group discussion as well.
- The large amount of work is beginning to overstretch the possibilities of the committee members. Therefore they expressed the wish of getting some professional or semi professional assistance, especially to handle administrative tasks like financial reporting or budget planning.
(2-3) The congregation is performing well within the financial limits. In some sectors training and counselling is needed.
(2-3)For the first year of cooperation the congregation seems to perform well. There is still a big need for training and awareness raising.
(4) The situation is average and it should be improved by the good use of the committee, but by now if compared to years of service in the parish it is not convincing. The advisor needs to be close and strong in his work as to improve the situation, e.g the use of the counter book, good financial reports, filing of committee minutes and the committee to be able to work as a team
(4) The congregation is not open for the expected roles of a committee, they really need more education and committee needs to work as a team
Generally the work of HuYaMwi in the congregation is considered to be successfully
In some areas more training and counselling is necessary
The main reasons leading to failure is the work of the committee with in the congregation as the main tool to implement HuYaMwi strategies into the congregation.
However we must be careful not to overstretch the possibilities of a lay-committee. So the committee must receive continuing assistance from professionals or semi-professionals.
A big problem is to explain the necessary inequality of material help to the orphans and the congregations. A possible step is to publish a detailed budget (see also notes on c))